Thursday, May 22, 2014

Real Trash to Treasure

The pattern we selected...
A8661 Peacock from our newest colorbooks!
The saying, "One man’s trash is another man’s treasure" calls to me.  From thrift shopping to finding the deal of the decade, I love a good deal!

Driving down the highway one day in North Carolina going to get some BBQ, my friend and I saw furniture sitting outside of a broken down gas station.  We spotted a man's old chair that had been abandoned and needed some love.  It was ancient, heavy, and you could tell that the elements had taken a toll on it.  I immediately fell in love.  We heaved it into my car and decided to give it a makeover.

Once brought back to the warehouse, someone discovered that it had a pocket knife hidden in the seat.  I thought it was just a little rough around the edges, but to everyone else it became known as “the death chair.”  The great thing about being in the fabric business with wonderful re-upholsterers is that their products never die, they always recover.  This is exactly what our amazing re-upholsterer did to it.  He turned it into a beautiful and feminine turquoise blue chair.  She is now going to be showcased as a stunning center piece.

After the experience with this recovered chair, a more appropriate phrase would be, "One man’s trash is another woman’s treasure.”

- Paige    

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