Thursday, January 10, 2013

Greenhouse Fabrics Website Tips II

Greenhouse Fabrics website tips are back!  We have received plenty of questions about how particular aspects of our website work, so we are here to help!  Remember, if there is something you are not familiar with on our website, give us a call at 866.755.5000 and we can help!  Using our website the right way will make your job that much easier!

Do you have an address on your account that you would like to remove, a credit card that you want to change or remove, or want to figure out what your account number is?  Simply click on "My Account" on the home page under the search box to access all these options!  Once you click on "Address Book", you can click "Edit" to change an address or delete it from your account.

Looking for a sneak peak at the New Fabrics Every Month coming out?  Or trying to remember when we came out with those Bright, Bold, and Fun books?  Click on the "Sample Book" tab next to New Fabrics Web Only to view all our books by month.  As seen below, you can also look up particular sample books by the types of fabrics they have in them.  From this screen, quickly find all books with Made in the USA books, all Faux Leather books, or Contract Fabric books.

Looking for an easy way to get to our Blog, Facebook, Twitter, or Pinterest pages?  In the bottom right corner of our home page are links!  Stay connected with us!

As always, if you have any questions about our website or ideas for website tips, let us know!  Email so we can include them next time!


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