Thursday, September 29, 2011

Greenhouse Fabrics Supports IDS

Greenhouse Fabrics is a Double Platinum Sponsor of the Interior Design Society, IDS. This organization is dedicated to providing members with valuable education, resources, programs, and services to aid them in their path to professionalism in residential interior design. We strongly encourage our customers to become members of IDS in order to take advantage of all the great benefits that over 3,000 members are already experiencing.

There are several benefits to becoming an IDS member. Here’s a look at just a few:

Career Advancement:

Members have access to various seminars, design workshops, and exams that contribute to the recognition of your skills as an interior designer. Different membership levels show current and potential clients how much experience and education you have in the field.

Competitive Edge:

IDS is a nationally recognized organization. Having an IDS title, “IDS Associate” or “IDS Professional,” will give you a competitive edge over other designers who are not affiliated. As a member, you also receive product discounts, special discounts from their Partners in Design Members, access to property insurance, and discounts and access to educational programs. You will also receive the quarterly IDS publication, Portfolio, which keeps you up to date on all IDS activities, the newest Partners in Design members, and trends within residential design.

National Marketing Campaign:

Being an IDS member brands you and your services. As a member you can list your business information on the IDS website for potential clients to contact you. IDS uses every media channel possible to help support their members in gaining new clients and experiences. They can even help you create a website for your business!

National Peer Network:

Members also have access to almost 30 chapters located through major cities in the US. You can network with other interior design professionals at chapter meetings, activities, seminars, and special events.

Leadership Skills:

As a member you will have the opportunity to become a local chapter leader. Leaders are responsible for connection and communication with other chapters. Once a year, IDS hosts an IDS Chapter Leadership Conference where local chapter leaders get together to encourage professional and leadership development for all IDS members.

The benefits of being an IDS member are endless. It is evident that membership will boost your career and provide access to an unlimited number of resources. Greenhouse wants you to have access to every opportunity to help you become more successful as an interior designer and knows the Interior Design Society is here to support all residential interior designers. For more information about becoming an IDS member, please visit their website.  


1 comment:

  1. It's great to see Greenhouse Fabrics stepping up to support IDS! Companies like these make a real difference in our industry. As a Professional Adventure Writing Services, we respect businesses that promote sustainability and community involvement. Congratulations to Greenhouse Fabrics for their dedication to make a good difference!
